"We don't need no education
We dont need no thought control
No dark sarcasm in the classroom
Teachers leave them kids alone
Hey! Teachers! Leave them kids alone!
All in all it's just another brick in the wall.
All in all you're just another brick in the wall."
No dark sarcasm in the classroom
Teachers leave them kids alone
Hey! Teachers! Leave them kids alone!
All in all it's just another brick in the wall.
All in all you're just another brick in the wall."
Lyrics of the '80s Pink Floyd No. 1 "Another Brick in the wall".
Well you know the class wont be regular class when the teacher starts off with a song whose chorus is asking teachers to leave the kids alone. And Prof. (ni)T(ie) Prasad a.k.a. Dr. Mandi a.k.a. Prof Dhanda didnt disappoint.
Aaj ka roti ..Aaj hee kamaenghe ! (Earn today's meal today)
Behatar padhai kae liye.. Kamai ! ! (For better learning, Earn)
I wont say that these were his first words, but these words are now embedded in me for the next 2 years at least. Earn today's meal today. A trained engineer sitting in the classroom trying to learn management is a liability to the society. He is being inefficient by not contributing to the society for 2 years. And although he is competent enough to earn his school fees he is relying on his parents or the government to pay for him.
By making one earn his own education, not only one can increase the efficiency of the personnel but can also make education affordable and accessible to huge population of this country. That's why one should earn today's meal on today itself and should not live on credit.
And that's what I am gonna do in the next 2 years. I am going to make sure that at least a good portion if not full expenses of my post graduation program is earned back by me in the next 2 years.( Although the way is still unclear but i am sure of what i want to achieve)
Soacho.. Becho ! Becho.. Seekho !! Seekho .. Soacho !!!
(Think... to Sell! Sell... to Learn!! Learn... to Think!!!)
That was the mantra chanted at Mandi. Mandi is an annual event organised by MIG (Marketing Interest Group) of NITIE in which students are expected to sell toys made by NGOs to costumers- real customers, not some big corporate but the end users, the kids and their parents.
Mandi stands as a hallmark in NITIE curriculum as it integrates the
theoretical principles of managerial economics, marketing and basic
market research, consumer behaviour and selling, with their practical
Think, sell and learn. Think how to sell your goods and learn from every sale (even from a failed one). Every sale is a new experience and from every experience there is a new learning. One should be able to use this learning and improve his sales. Think, sell and learn.
Mandi really looked like an exciting and challenging event and i cant wait to be a part of such a celebrated event.
Theory X vs Theory Y
Well there are 2 types of workers, 1) Who are lazy and 2) who are not lazy. And there are 2 types of managers 1) who think their workers are lazy and 2) who think there workers are not lazy. The first type of managers are called theory X managers and second type of managers are called theory Y managers.
These 2 theories are manager oriented theories and not worker oriented because they are about managers and management style that the managers in
organizations adopt in managing the workers and organizations.
In theory X or authoritarian style of management the average person dislike the work and will try to avoid it if he or she can therefore the worker must be forced to work.
In theory Y or participative style of management the effort in the work is natural as work and play hence the worker is not forced to work. This promotes high use of imagination and innovation in workers to improve the working style.
The challenge was to construct a one block tower using just your unfavourable hand and eyes closed while listening to the instructions given by others. Now the catch was you should bet money (real money) on yourself to give it a try.
Betting money on one ownself did put off some of the contestants but 3 brave hearts, after betting Rs. 350 each on themselves, were confident enough to give it a try.
After an hour and half of labour our three friend Mr. Mayank Anand, Mr Sameer Chandna and Mr. Robin Bains were able to erect a tower of height 18 blocks beating the previous batch height of 17 blocks. They dissevered all the applause they got.
Coming back to SMART goals; with this exercise Dr Mandi taught us why it is important to set goals not only in your career but personal life too. Setting goals is different from setting a smart goal. Goals and targets should always some attributes connected with them, which are:-
In theory Y or participative style of management the effort in the work is natural as work and play hence the worker is not forced to work. This promotes high use of imagination and innovation in workers to improve the working style.
2nd session of the day was one of the longest and most fun filled session we had till now. In this session Dr. Prasad taught us the importance of setting SMART goals with an amazing activity or rather a challenge.
The challenge was to construct a one block tower using just your unfavourable hand and eyes closed while listening to the instructions given by others. Now the catch was you should bet money (real money) on yourself to give it a try.
Betting money on one ownself did put off some of the contestants but 3 brave hearts, after betting Rs. 350 each on themselves, were confident enough to give it a try.
After an hour and half of labour our three friend Mr. Mayank Anand, Mr Sameer Chandna and Mr. Robin Bains were able to erect a tower of height 18 blocks beating the previous batch height of 17 blocks. They dissevered all the applause they got.
Coming back to SMART goals; with this exercise Dr Mandi taught us why it is important to set goals not only in your career but personal life too. Setting goals is different from setting a smart goal. Goals and targets should always some attributes connected with them, which are:-
Goals should be
1) Specific: A specific goal has a much greater chance of being accomplished than a general goal.
2) Measurable - Establish concrete criteria for measuring progress toward the attainment of each goal you set.
3) Attainable – When you identify goals that are most important to you, you begin to figure out ways you can make them come true.
4) Realistic- To be realistic, a goal must represent an objective toward which you are both willing and able to work.
5) Time Bound – A goal should be grounded within a time frame. With no time frame tied to it there’s no sense of urgency.
And with this the class came to the end, one of the most fun filled and inspiring class i have ever attended. I can't wait for Dr Mandi's Next session.
P.S. As you might have guessed it by now, Prof Prasad stated Mandi and that's why one of his alias is Dr. Mandi.
Discussing Goal setting with real numbers is interesting. Wish you do that. What is realistic goal. What is challenging goal.. ? you can discuss with real numbers given.